Monday, June 30, 2008

Unhappy & Feeling Very Anti-Alcohol

My middle brother died last week. Sometime on Monday morning.

We don't know why yet as the Coroner is waiting on histology & toxicology reports.

Actually, we do know why - he drank.

I don't think that we are over the shock yet. He was only 45. Oh, we may have said to him that the alcohol would kill him, in an attempt to get him to stop or cut down on the amount he drank, but I don't think we actually ever thought that it would kill him quite so soon & quite so young.

Once I get used to the idea that he is gone, then I know that I will miss him. He was a generous spirit, anything he had, he shared. I can't write anymore about him at the moment, it hurts too much.


Oh Dear Nearly A Year

I'm really not very good at keeping this up to date, am I?

I originally created this with the intention of using it to help me get better. I am depressed. Have been for a while. It's proving very difficult to shift & to get my mood to improve. I am getting help now (professional help) & have just started to take St John's Wort (after the failure of the nor-adrenaline tab thingies - Reboxitine - to make much impact). Anyway, as something to help me work things out & feel better, this has been a bit of a failure. Reading back, most of the posts seem to be about the cats eating things.

That hasn't changed.

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