Wednesday, May 03, 2006

It's now been two years since I last curled my hand over the wide dome of Harry's head & two years since I've laid in bed with his warm furry body draped over my lap. I still miss him immensely.
He's the one in the middle, complaining about having his photo taken - The Snowman, aka Harry the lilac tabby point Siamese with his two sisters, Seraphim the blue tabby point & Freckle, also a lilac tabby point.
He grew into a large cat, with a laid back personality. Cuddly & curious & all the good things that a cat is & can be. But two years ago he died, still a young boy, from a liver problem.
And as I look at his little half-brothers & sister as they play around me this evening, I only hope that they bring to their new owners half as much joy as Harry brought me. However, I also hope that they will bring that joy for much much longer than the short time I had with Harry.